Friday, December 21, 2012

Unexpectedly Fun Times

Out of all of my busy days leading up to Christmas, this one was going to be the worst.  I do most of my household stuff like banking, grocery shopping, and laundry on Mondays and Tuesdays.  Obviously, that wasn't going to happen next week.  So I wanted to take care of those things today.  Along with that, I had to go to five different stores for various things.  As much as I tried to consolidate, what I needed just couldn't be found in one place.  Needless to say, I wasn't looking forward to any of it.  But then Jeff decided to go with me.  He said he could take a little time off of work to help me with the running around.  Just like that, it turned into an adventure.  We hadn't taken time to walk this morning because we wanted to get an early start, but as we raced from one place to another, I mentioned that we were getting in our exercise after all!  Parking, hurrying through the wind and cold, maneuvering through the stores - it was actually fun because he was with me.  And things went so smoothly!  There were no lines, we found what we needed, and we were home in record time.  I can't help but think it was the positive attitude brought on by enjoying our time together that resulted in such a successful morning.  Today, I found God in my husband and best friend, Jeff, who turned a dreaded morning into such a fun experience.

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