Friday, January 18, 2013

Early Morning Sun

Today is the last day of my daily blog.  I had set out to write here every day for a year, and somehow, by the grace of God, I managed to do it.  Some days were easy, and some days were a struggle, but the struggle usually wasn't with finding God in my day, it was in finding the words to write about it.  I think my favorite part of this whole venture was hearing where other people found God.  Because of this blog, it opened the door for them to tell me about it, and I felt so very blessed when they did.  I'm not sure yet how I'll continue.  I may not write at all for a while, but I plan to write when the spirit moves me, whenever that happens to be.  The invitation is open to anyone reading this to write here whenever they want to.  You can do it on this blog (though it makes you go through a few hoops), or you can write on the facebook page Finding God .  I'd love to hear your thoughts.  My next project is praying in color.  Pat W. mentioned it in one of our meetings a few months ago, and since then the thought has never left me.  When something keeps nagging at me, I take it as a sign from God that I need to do something about it.  I ordered some supplies a week or so ago, and coincidentally (or not?), they arrived today.  So my new project to communicate with God has started on exactly the day that my old one ended.  I find God in that.
As far as today, my last daily post, I found God in the beautiful scene over the sound this morning.  We had to drive to Virginia Beach today, and as we crossed the bridge, I looked back and saw the sun radiating through a bank of clouds.  It cast a golden beam across the water and shot rays across the sky in a way that can only be described as heavenly.  It was so beautiful it was dangerous as I kept looking over my shoulder to admire it while trying to stay in my lane on the bridge!  Such beauty is truly a gift from God, and I found Him as I crossed a bridge in more ways than one in the gorgeous early morning sun.

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Chocolate Chip Cookies

I know I write about food a lot, but I can't help it, I love food!  The fact that we can get so much enjoyment out of what at it's core is fuel for our bodies is truly a gift.  Now I'll admit that chocolate chip cookies aren't necessarily high quality body fuel, but I think I could live on them very happily if I had to.  It's taken me three years to finally come up with a good gluten and dairy free chocolate chip cookie recipe.  My favorite "regular" chocolate chip cookie is the Toll House cookie recipe, and I just could not seem to duplicate it.  The flavor would be good, but not the texture, or vice versa.  And then when I got both of those right, the cookie only stayed soft and chewy for the first day.  By the second day, it would crumble when you bit into it.  I tried everything I could think of, and then I stumbled across a recipe that used instant vanilla pudding in the mix.  I thought, "Why not? I've tried everything else".  The first try was close, but not quite there.  A few more tweaks and I had it!  I'm as close to the original Toll House cookie as I'm ever going to get.  And oh my goodness, what a treat!  It was the perfect day for baking - cold, overcast, and blustery.  When I bit into that warm cookie with the melty chocolate chips... mmmmmm.  Heaven.  I found God today in the perfect gluten and dairy free chocolate chip cookie.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013


Does anything smell as good as bacon frying?  I actually "fry" mine in the oven to avoid all the mess, but it still makes the whole house smell like bacon.  I cooked some today for a recipe I'm making tomorrow, and when I walked outside for a minute and came back in it was like bacon just smacked me in the face.  It's supposed to be for tomorrow, but I just had to eat a piece.  The funny this is though, for me, as good as it tastes, it actually smells better.  I feel the same way about coffee; like the drink, love the smell.  And it seems like you can smell bacon a mile away.  So many times when I'm walking in the neighborhood, I'll smell bacon cooking somewhere.  It's like a siren "scent" drifting through the air calling anyone with a nose to come and eat it.  It's been a while since I've had any though, so this afternoon, I enjoyed eating it as much as smelling it.  Crispy, salty, yummy!  Today, I found God in the tantalizing smell of bacon frying.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Perfect Timing

I had some errands to run this morning, and all that went fine.  But when I got home I was hit with an excruciating headache.  I tried taking a walk thinking the fresh air would help, but it didn't.  I tried drinking some hot tea hoping it would relax me and quiet the pain, but that didn't work either.  Finally, I just gave up and laid down on the couch with my arm over my eyes.  And guess what?  I got some relief.  As soon as I got up, the pain came back, and I realized I needed to dim the light.  Even though it's overcast outside, the light was still bothering me.  So I closed the curtains, sat down, and rested my head on the couch.  Finally, finally, the headache was fading.  As I sat there with my eyes closed, I thought about where I could find God in a day mostly filled with that awful headache.  And I realized that it was in the timing again.  My afternoon was free of anything pressing that needed to be done.  Jeff and Marlayna are both at work so everything is quiet.  There are leftovers in the frig so I don't have to worry about dinner.  The only thing that helped my head was a darkened house, quiet, and time to rest.  God gave me those conditions this afternoon.  I found Him today in the perfect timing that allowed me relief from my pounding head.

Monday, January 14, 2013

Cartoon Mushrooms

I was walking out to the mailbox when a spot of something red caught my eye.  As I got closer I was thinking "trash?", "candy?", but no, it was mushrooms!  Red mushrooms with white indented spots; they almost looked like something had been eating them.  I couldn't believe it.  I've seen some crazy-looking mushrooms in the yard, but nothing quite like this.  They looked like something out of a cartoon!  In fact, when I showed them to Marlayna the first thing she said was, "That's a Mario mushroom!" - as in the Mario Brothers video game.  (I've never seen it so I wouldn't know.)  They looked so fake that I turned one of them over to be sure they were real.  God's natural world never ceases to amaze me whether it's through unimaginable beauty or something so strange as to almost be comical, like those crazy red and white mushrooms.  I found Him today in another of His amazing natural wonders - funny little cartoon mushrooms.

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Mystical Fog

There was a heavy fog in the area both yesterday and today up until mid-day.  Jeff and I drove out to look at the ocean because we love watching it in the fog.  It was beautiful... mystical.  The water was smooth with long, curling waves.  Watching them roll out of the fog was mesmerizing.  The horizon could only be imagined as it was totally engulfed in the gray mist.  But I could also imagine an invisible hand out there, pushing the waves forward, and making them appear out of nowhere like a magic trick.  We stood there entranced, breathing in the cool misty air.  It was quite an experience, and I found God there today draped around me like the gossamer veil of fog over the ocean.

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Lynn's Almond Danish

Ever since we moved here over five years ago, my neighbor, Lynn, has brought over one of her homemade almond danish for Christmas.  The first time I tried it I thought I'd died and gone to heaven - it was amazing!  But since I developed my food sensitivities, I haven't been able to eat it.  Well just before this last Christmas, Lynn called and said she wanted to know how to make her recipe gluten and dairy free.  Sweeter words have never been said...  She said along with me she had a few other people in her life with food sensitivities, and she wanted to be able to bake for us.  Needless to say, I was thrilled and more than happy to share what I know.  It took a while for her to gather ingredients, etc., but today she brought over her first effort.  Oh. My. Goodness!!  Again, died and in heaven.  Now I have to admit the texture isn't quite the same, but it's still awesome.  And the flavor was perfect.  She still wants to try and get the texture closer to the original so she plans to experiment some more, and guess who gets to sample the experiments?  Oh yes, yours truly, and very happily I must say.  Today, I found God in being able to delve once again into Lynn's incredible almond danish.

Friday, January 11, 2013

Old Songs

I keep some cd's in my car that are random mixes of songs that I like.  They have vague names like "Summer '08 mix" so I can never remember what's on them.  I was driving around doing some chores today so I picked one out and popped it in.  The first song was an old one by The Bee Gees (pre-Saturday Night Fever Bee Gees!), then the Eagles, Fleetwood Mac... music from my high school days.  I had the window down because it was in the low 60's today, and with that old music playing and the breeze blowing in, I had flashes of my younger, more carefree days.  It felt really good to remember those times.  I'm not one to glorify my youth, and I truly wouldn't change where I am in my life for any other time, but I do miss the lack of responsibility!  That part was pretty awesome, and I didn't even realize it at the time.  What's that old saying?  "Youth is wasted on the young."  So true.  Those old songs stirred up that carefree feeling, and it was fun to enjoy the memories for a little while.  Especially from the vantage point of being older without all the angst of youth!  Today, I found God in the first notes of an old BeeGees song.

(Okay, so I was only five when they did this song, but I still listened to it in high school!)

"To Love Somebody" by The Bee Gees

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Sky on Fire

The sky looked like it was on fire this morning.  It started out with the slightest touch of pink tinging the clouds, but then soon deepened into a blazing, almost red color.  I first saw it  kind of low on the horizon just peeking through some trees, and for a second I thought someone had hung some type of banner until I realized it was the sunrise.  I can only imagine what it looked like from the beach this morning. Here are some of the pictures I took.  They're in order so you can see the color deepen and then start to recede.  I was in awe... I found God there in that fiery sunrise.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Squirrel Comedy

When I took my walk this morning, I was thinking that it felt like spring.  Apparently, the squirrels agreed with me.  Before Marlayna left for work this morning, she sat to talk with me for a few minutes, and as we chatted, we noticed a commotion outside.  There were four squirrels chasing each other around. We have jasmine vines covering the fence behind our pool, and two of them were running up and down the railings.  One would disappear within the vines for a few seconds, then pop out and run.  They looked like they were playing hide-and-seek!  The other two were racing up and down and back and forth across the fountain that is now off for the winter.  It was like watching kids on a jungle gym.  While these four creatures were getting their cardio workout, a fifth chubby little guy was just sitting on the upper deck railing munching on a nut.  He had his back to their antics, seemingly bored with the crazy squirrelly games they were playing.  It was his total lack of interest in what his buddies were up to that made the whole thing so funny.  I found God today watching the squirrel comedy put on by my furry little friends.

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Gold-tipped Clouds

When I opened my curtains this morning, the view took my breath away.  The sun was just rising, and the sky was filled with clouds that looked as if they were tipped in gold.  I ran for my camera, but by the time I got outside there were fewer clouds and the color was fading.  It amazes me how quickly the sky changes.  I'm always disappointed when I miss a shot, I think it'll never be that way again.  But then I guess that's part of the glory of nature - the constant change, the fleeting beauty.  Though it's not actually fleeting, just changing.  Because there's always another sunrise, or sunset, or cloud-filled sky that takes my breath away - truly a gift from God.  I found Him today in the glorious sky that greeted me on my first look out the window.

This is the picture I took this morning.  Not quite as awesome as the shot I missed, but still beautiful, don't you think?

Monday, January 7, 2013

The Suspenders

I found God in a roundabout way today.  Jeff has been pretty down since his cat died, and today was the first day since then that he's had to go back to Maryland.  When he left this morning, he was trying to put on a brave face, but I could see he was not doing too great.  He usually calls me when he gets to the first Wawa which is always his first stop for gas and snacks.   I was expecting him to sound down, so I was very surprised that he had such an upbeat tone to his voice.  He said "You're not going to believe what I was just talking to someone about."  An older woman at the Wawa told him how much she liked his suspenders!  Of all things to brighten his mood.  I had gotten them for him for Christmas after he mentioned how much he liked them.  It's amazing how positive feedback from strangers can make you feel so good.  You expect it more from family and friends, so when it comes unsolicited like that, it gives you such a boost.  They continued to chat about a few other things and the whole experience left him in a happier mood.  That in turn made me very happy.  God works in mysterious ways, and I believe that this morning He was in that Wawa helping my husband feel better.  So today I ended up finding God in a stranger's comment about Jeff's suspenders.

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Scent of Chicken Soup

Everyone in the family has been at least mildly sick over the past few weeks.  We're all mostly better, but I decided a good dose of chicken soup was just what we needed.  So today, before we left for church, I got the soup started in the crockpot.  As often happens, when I leave the house for some reason, I forget that I've got the crockpot going till I get home.  When I opened the door to come in the house, the soul-warming scent of chicken soup just swept over me.  Oh my goodness!  I was ready to dig in right then.  But no, I'm waiting for dinner, and reveling in the smell of the soup.  It's cold, rainy, and overcast, a perfect day for homemade chicken noodle soup, and I can't wait to eat it!  I found God today in that first amazing whiff of yummy chicken soup when I walked in the door from church.

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Cold, Fresh Air

I wasn't feeling too well today, so I was glad we celebrated my birthday yesterday.  Still, I wanted to try to walk this morning because I thought the fresh air would make me feel better, and I was right.  It was in the mid-30's so we bundled up, but as soon as we walked out and the cold air hit me in the face, I felt cleansed.  It took a while to get around the block because I was moving pretty slow, but I was still so glad I made the effort.  Breathing deeply of that brisk, fresh air gave me a boost both mentally and physically.  I spent the rest of the day feeling pretty yucky, but even now the memory of cold air in my face refreshes me.  What a blessing from God!  I found Him today in the cold, fresh air of early morning.

Friday, January 4, 2013

Fresh, Hot Rolls

My birthday is tomorrow, but we wanted to go to the Barnes & Noble in Chesapeake, and a restaurant in Virginia Beach, so we decided to go today so it would be a little less crowded.  Jeff had researched and found a restaurant with a gluten-free menu as a surprise for me.  So after browsing the bookstore, we headed to the restaurant for lunch.  He had told me at this point where we were going, and I knew to expect a gluten-free menu, but there was one thing I still did not expect - rolls!  Oh my goodness!  The waitress brought regular rolls to the table for Jeff and Marlayna, and then said the gluten-free rolls were in the oven and would be out soon.  I almost fell on the floor.  I've gotten so used to watching everyone else at the table enjoy bread that I really don't think about it anymore.  A few minutes later she brought out piping hot rolls and they were really good!  I doubt they compared with the regular ones at the table, but I don't care.  Just being offered them made me feel special and normal at the same time.  She even brought olive oil for dipping since I can't have the butter.  We had an awesome day - fun at the bookstore, good conversation on the drive, lots of joking around, and good food at lunch.  But the highlight for me was my excitement over those fresh, hot rolls.  Today, I found God in the simple joy of eating bread in a restaurant just like everyone else.

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Green Light From God

We said goodbye to Jeff's cat Calvin today.  He had been sick for quite a while, but took a sudden turn for the worse in the past couple of days.  Needless to say, it was very difficult; sad and emotional.  Even though we knew it was coming, the end was hard.  So as I drove to the vet, I was wondering where I would find God in this day.  We strongly suspected but didn't know for sure till we got there if this would be the end.  I was going over this in my mind as I drove, wondering if we were making the right decision to put him down.  I had just finished a prayer and was approaching a stoplight that in my memory has always been straightforward red or green.  I had to make a right turn and when I looked up, there was a green arrow pointing to the right.  Obviously, that green arrow has always been there, but I can honestly say I've never seen it before, and the timing...  I believe it was God giving me the go-ahead.  Saying, "Yes, you're making the right decision; it's going to be okay.  Calvin is in My hands now."  It may seem like a strange sign, but it was very comforting to me.  There were still many tears shed as we said goodbye, and I know there are many more to come, but there's also a peace.  A peace that I found in a green light from God, and that is where I found Him today.

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Emails from Barbara

I got an email from Barbara T. today, and it made me so happy.  We don't communicate often, but from time to time she'll send an email about something she thinks I would like or be interested in.  It warms my heart to know she's thought of me and taken the time to write to me.  In her email today, one of the things she mentioned was being inspired by my blog, but I'm inspired by her.  Her warmth just spills out of her and onto those around her.  You can't help but feel it, and I'm blessed to be touched by it.  We sent a few emails back and forth this morning, and they were the highlight of my day.  Today, I found God in the thoughtfulness and warmth so evident in the messages my dear friend, Barbara sent to me.

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Regular Life

We always take down our Christmas decorations on New Year's Day.  While it's a little sad to see them put away for another year, it's nice to get the house - and our lives - back to normal.  I really enjoy the holidays with all of the special events, the get-togethers, and especially the food!  But once January 1st hits, I relish getting back to my routine.  It's comforting, and feels quiet compared to the "loudness" of the holiday whirlwind.  So today, once everything was put away, we sat and relaxed with a cup of tea and watched the rain fall.  I felt the comfort of our "regular" life settle around me like a cozy blanket.  I snuggled into it, and found God there wrapped in the blanket with me.