Friday, December 28, 2012

Early Light of Day

We left Maryland early this morning.  There are some beautiful places in Maryland, but I really dislike driving there because of all the traffic and big highways.  I lived there for most of my life and never really thought about it.  But since moving here and getting used to the slower pace, the difference is glaring.  So I wasn't looking forward to the start of the drive, but when we got on the highway, an absolutely gorgeous sky grabbed my attention.  The sun was mostly obscured by the clouds, but it was casting a glow that seemed to emanate from the clouds themselves.  As it rose higher, you could look straight at it as it was diffused by a gauzy layer of clouds.  There were muted rosy pinks, greys, pale blues, and golds all in layers around the sun.  And I thought even in the middle of all this traffic, highways, on and off ramps, buildings, etc., God's beautiful world cannot be dimmed.  You just need to look up and take notice.  Today, I found God on a Maryland highway in the early light of day.

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