Sunday, December 23, 2012

Stress Tears

There are tears of sadness, there are tears of joy, and then there are the tears that spilled from my eyes today.  I call them stress tears.  Take all the work I've been doing for our Christmas festivities, add in all that I had yet to do, and then throw in a dash of the usual family stress.  Mix it all up, and you've got me feeling overwhelmed.  So when Jeff and I decided to take some time for ourselves and go get tea this morning, I could feel the tears pressing behind my eyes.  All it took was a few kind words from him, and they broke loose.  He worried that I was upset, but I really wasn't.  As I explained to him, it was like opening a pressure valve and letting off steam.  There was no sadness involved, but just having those tears spill down my cheeks relieved so much stress.  It only lasted a few seconds, and then I felt so much better.  I was ready to face the rest of my tasks.  I'm always in awe of how God created us, and I believe the ability to cry is a great gift.  I found Him today in the gift of those stress-relieving tears.

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