Sunday, December 9, 2012

Glorious Beauty

There are days when I have to search for God in my day... and then there are days like today.  The days when He smacks you in the face with something so obvious it can't be denied.  Jeff and I went out to the ocean, and it was very calm with big, long swells breaking close to shore.  We had been watching for just a minute when we spotted dolphins - lots of them.  At least three pods, and they were all so active!  We saw one leap completely out of the water, and several more frolicking just a few yards from the shoreline.  It was breathtaking!  While the dolphins were skirting the shoreline and putting on their show, a flock of brown pelicans came flying by, skimming along the surface of the water, just feet from the dolphins.  And last, but not least, there was a loon or cormorant, swimming and diving in the midst of it all.  The sun was shining brightly to the south, and dark, dramatic clouds filled the sky to the north, so the ocean sparkled on one end and shimmered on the other.  I exclaimed to Jeff, "We live in paradise!!"  I was totally filled with the glorious beauty of God's natural world, and yes, without a doubt, that is where I found Him today.

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