Sunday, December 30, 2012

"Come To Me"

Father Tom gave a very moving sermon today.  It was perfect for the end of the year.  As much as I'd like to look forward to the new year as fresh and unencumbered, it's rarely so.  Especially with holiday debt tagging along and tax season looming ahead.  Instead of "Yay!  A new start!", many times I'm thinking, "Here we go again..."  Here I am struggling forward step by step; trying to improve, trying to leave negative stuff behind and move forward in a positive way.  And so often it's just overwhelming.  In his sermon, Father Tom said "... once upon a time in the person of Jesus, the divine invites each of us to come and cross the divide..."  Those words spoke to me.  I have crossed the divide... and then I slip back.  I start to try to do things on my own again, and I have to remember to re-cross that divide.  I have to remember that Jesus is there waiting.  In his sermon, he also quoted Matthew 11:28 (The Message Translation) "Are you tired? Worn out?... Come to me..."  Come to Him.  That's all I have to do, and yet I need constant reminding of it.  Today's sermon was just what I needed to hear at this time of year.  I'm not in this alone.  I have all the strength and hope I need if I just remember to ask for it.  I left church feeling uplifted and closer to God, and today, I found Him in Father Tom's inspiring words.

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