Monday, December 10, 2012

Leaf Attack

I've written about how much I love to watch falling leaves, and I still do.  But today they were attacking me!  Monday mornings are always hectic for Jeff and I (along with most of the world!) because he has to leave for Maryland.  So we were each doing our various chores to start the day, caught up in our own worlds.  Then it was time for him to go.  I always walk out to the car with him unless the weather is really bad.  Today, there was a light rain and some wind, but nothing major.  We said our goodbyes, I gave him a hug, and turned to go inside when the wind blew a bunch of leaves down over me.  They were wet with rain so they were heavier than normal.  I had fought a few of them off and turned around when Jeff called out that one was still stuck in my hair.  Just as I pulled it out, another bunch flew down  - it was like they were after me!  I waved my arms around trying to fend them off, and we both started laughing.  It was a comical scene, and the shared laughter over such an oddball event connected us in a way our usual routine goodbyes hadn't.  It's so easy to fall into a rut no matter how much you love someone, and sometimes a little laughter is all it takes to shake things up.  I found God today in those clingy wet leaves that turned a routine goodbye into something more special.

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