Saturday, December 8, 2012

Faux Rainfall

Jeff and I saw a dense fog when we stepped out the front door for our walk this morning, and I thought I heard rain.  We stopped but didn't feel any raindrops so we headed on out.  It had obviously been raining earlier because there were large puddles in the road.  A little farther along we passed between two empty wooded lots and the sound of rain falling was very strong.  It was just leftover drops falling from the leaves but it sounded like it was raining from the sky.  This wasn't just a little pitter-patter here and there, this was a steady rainfall sound!  I've never experienced anything like it.  It was so odd to be walking outside and hearing rain but not feeling it - like there was an invisible umbrella over my head.  That coupled with the dense fog made for a super-cool walk this morning.  I found God in the faux rainfall on our walk today.

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