Friday, March 16, 2012

The Sun-Catcher

It was a hectic day due mostly to a trip to the vet which took way longer than anticipated.  Forrest is fine - they were just really backed up today.  Once we got home, I had a few more phone calls to make and emails to write.  I tried a few times to think on what I wanted to write for my blog, but I just couldn't concentrate.  My mind was just too busy.  So I was sitting here, laptop open, fingers on the keys, my mind racing but going nowhere fast, when I looked up and saw the cross and shell sun-catcher that Sandy B. made for Jeff at his baptism.  We have it hanging in a window so I see it all the time, but for some reason just as I was praying for God to still my mind, my eyes were drawn to that sun-catcher.  I felt my mind calm; my breathing slowed.  I could feel God saying to me "Be still"... and that is where He found me today.

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