Friday, March 2, 2012

The Stick

Today's entry is a little offbeat.  I'm always finding God in small ways, and today was a very small way but significant - at least to me.
A few days ago someone had let their dog do his business right in the middle of the sidewalk.  I've watched for it during my walk so as not to end up with an unfortunate mess stuck in my shoes.  Well today I was watching all the cool, grey colors in the sky (see the pictures below!) and totally not paying attention to where I was stepping.  When suddenly, I tripped over a stick which caused me to take an exaggerated step forward, missing - you guessed it - the doggie droppings!  First words out of my mouth were "Thank you, Lord!".  Now it might not be the grandest image of where I found God, but I sure was grateful that He was there watching my step while I was watching His lovely sky.

1 comment:

  1. I would like to believe God is there when these things happen to me too. But sometimes I wonder where he is when I end up stepping in it! I found God today in a moment when I glanced over at my wife while we were driving and felt an overwhelming gratitude that she was not only the woman I love, but my very best friend.
