Friday, November 30, 2012

Tiny Lights

It's been quite a day.  We got a new tivo and had to get it connected to cable, and things are not going well.  I've been on the phone back and forth between the two companies all day and just can't seem to get this problem resolved.  When the room started to darken, I realized I needed to write my blog, but how could I do that when the day consisted mostly of frustration?  I laid my head back, closed my eyes, and started praying.  When I opened them the room was darker still, and what stood out like little bits of hope were the tiny colored lights on our Christmas tree.  Just looking at them glowing made me happy, and I calmed down enough to realize this wasn't the end of the world.  I managed a work-around for the time being, and the big issue will get resolved eventually.  I never look forward to the task of Christmas decorating, but I do so enjoy the end result - this evening even more than usual.  Today, I found God in the colorful, little lights on our Christmas tree glowing in the gathering dusk.

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