Sunday, November 25, 2012

Homemade Decorations

We put up our Christmas decorations today.  Every year I plan to scale back, and this year I did... a little.  But the majority of our ornaments and decorations have sentimental value so it's hard to leave them in the box.  I've done a Christmas project with my kids every year since they were about five, so that means 20 years of homemade decorations.  How could I not put them up?  Once finished, our home is about as far from a "Better Homes and Gardens" designer holiday look as you can get.  But we all love it.  We laugh at some of the less successful projects and beam with pride over the ones that turned out well.  But invariably, they bring about great memories.  I had thought when my kids got older they would want to abandon the annual Christmas project, but they're more adamant than I am at this point that we do it - and they're 23 and 25!  The extensive decorating can be exhausting, but I wouldn't trade the memories wrapped up in our homemade projects for anything.  Today, I found God in every funny, beautiful, flawed decoration made by tiny hands now grown up.

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