Monday, November 5, 2012

Morning Chat

Marlayna is living in the apartment over our garage temporarily.  She's only been there a few months, but I've gotten quite used to having her around - especially in the mornings.  Every now and then, she has a little extra time before work, and she'll come down and have a cup of tea and chat for a bit.  Nothing major, but it's nice to hear her talk about what's going on in her life, and it emphasizes our friendship.  Friendship is something I've strived for with both of my children, and I'm happy to say I've succeeded.  I still need to be in my parental role now and again (mainly for advice), but more and more, we just get to be great friends.  I know I'll  still talk with Marlayna on the phone when she moves on, just like I do with my son, but I'll miss the face-to-face talks... and the hugs before she heads out the door.  I thank God for the special relationship I have with my kids, and I found Him today in my morning chat with Marlayna.

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