Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Soup and Crackers

It was my day to help out in the church office, and when I arrived there this afternoon,  I was a little tired but otherwise feeling okay.  By the time I left, it was a different story.  My stomach was queasy, I was exhausted, and generally just not feeling well.  The dinner I had prepared earlier that day just didn't appeal to me at all.  So I turned to that age old classic - soup and crackers.  I can't eat most store-bought soup because of the gluten and dairy, so I had to make my own.  I kept it simple, basically just chicken broth and rice, but oh my, it felt so good going down.  And I just found a good gluten-free cracker that's almost just like a saltine - bland, light, and crunchy.  Perfect with the soup.  It was a comforting meal that warmed me body and soul.  I found God today in that most reliable of remedies for just about anything that ails you - soup and crackers.

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