Saturday, November 17, 2012

All The Good People

Jeff and I helped out at the bake table at Holly Days today, and I was reminded again of the goodness in people.  So many people today told us to keep the change when purchasing their goodies.  So many people volunteered their time, effort, and talents to make our Christmas Bazaar a success.  It felt so good to be a part of it.  I know there's a lot of bad stuff going on in the world, and it's easy to succumb to those negative forces and start to look at the world as mostly bad.  But days like today serve as a reminder that the world is mostly good - people are mostly good.  It's all a matter of where you put your focus.  You can focus on "all the bad", or on the little bits of good.  I like to think of those bits of good like grains of sand.  Tiny little things that altogether can sometimes hold back an ocean.  And even when they're overcome, they're not lost - just spread out and waiting to re-group.  (Or in our case here on the Outer Banks, to "re-dune"!)  Well, today I put my focus on Holly Days - a giant sand dune of goodness - and I found God in all the good people there.

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