Saturday, November 3, 2012

The Little Frog

I was about to head out our front door today when I saw what I thought was a bright green leaf.  Looking closer, I saw it was a little frog.  I ran to get my camera, snuck back quietly, and took a picture.  Then I moved in a little closer for a better picture, and he remained perfectly still.  I got right up close to him, and he still didn't move.  I realized there was something wrong with him.  I called Jeff because I'm allergic to anything outdoors - plants, trees, wildlife... you name it.  We decided that maybe he was too cold to move.  Our front porch is very shaded, and it was a cold morning.  Jeff scooped him up and took him to the back deck where the sun was shining brightly.  Within a few minutes, little froggy had hopped onto the wall of the house.  About half an hour later, Marlayna came down, and I told her to go out and look at him.  He was gone.  I was sorry he didn't hang around a little longer because he was so darn cute!  But I was happy that he had found the strength to hop away.  All it took was some sunshine, warmth, and a little TLC - a good prescription for whatever ails you.  I found God today in bringing some warmth to our little froggy friend and getting him hopping again.

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