Thursday, November 29, 2012

Brilliant Moon

I woke up about 4:30 in the morning, stumbled into our bathroom, glanced up, and was almost blinded by the brightness of the moon!  We have a very high window in our bathroom, and the moon was perfectly centered in it just blazing it's light for all it was worth.  I had to squint my sleep-dilated eyes to be able to look at it.  It was a glorious sight, but I was sleepy, so I could only appreciate it for a few seconds before heading back to bed.  A couple hours later, I stepped out of the house for my walk, and there it was still shining brightly.  The sky had lightened, and the moon had moved a little farther along it's path so it wasn't quite as brilliant, but it was gorgeous all the same.  I found God today in the incredibly bright, white moon that practically lit up a whole room.  (This picture doesn't do it justice, but you can see how bright it is even in the early morning.)

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