Sunday, September 23, 2012

The Reading

I was scheduled to do the reading at church today so earlier in the week, I looked up what it was and read over it to be prepared.  Jeff and I just started doing this, and it's only the second or third time that I've read.  I'm not too concerned about being perfect, but I do like to do a good job.  When I read before, I headed straight for the microphone, concentrating on what I needed to do.  Today, I was a little more relaxed.  I had some experience so I was feeling more comfortable.  Plus, I had gone over the reading again when we got to church this morning.  So when it was time for me to read, I headed up  but paused for just a second and asked God to be with me.   I did well even though what I read didn't look familiar.  I just chalked it up to being nervous or something.   I felt good when I finished and walked back to my seat thinking God had heard my prayer and helped me do a good job.  And He did... but I read the wrong lesson!  I didn't know till I sat down, and Jeff told me that what I read was completely different than what was in the bulletin.  Ah well... such is life.  Luckily, John T. was LEM today, and he knows what he's doing.  He just took it all in stride and read what I was supposed to.  (Thanks, John!)  So I look back and think did God ignore my little prayer and let me read the wrong thing?  Or did He hear me and help me to read something unfamiliar with ease?  I'm going with the second.  And that's where I found God today - answering my prayer and backing me up even when I make a mistake.

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