Saturday, September 29, 2012


Jeff and I drove over to the ocean today.  It was cool, grey, and overcast, but still beautiful with a light, refreshing breeze blowing.  We were standing there watching the waves when a crowd of sandpipers started making their way up the beach.  They were so comical!  Running toward the water, then away as the waves came in; their little legs moving so fast they were a blur.  One little guy broke away from the crowd and tumbled around in the surf a little.  Just as it looked like he was about to be inundated by a wave, he popped up and ran back.  I guess that was the daredevil style of birdbath!  He then rejoined his friends, shaking and spraying them with water.  We got such a kick out of watching them and were making up stories to go along with their antics.  They put on quite a show for us, and I found God today in those comical little birds.

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