Monday, October 31, 2022

Galatians 6:9

Sunday, October 30, 2022.  “Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.”  I saw this verse in one of my devotionals yesterday, and it struck me in a different way than usual.  Always before, I’ve thought of it as far as my actions in the bigger world - being kind to others, standing up for what’s right - that type of thing.  But yesterday I related to it on a more personal level.  I’ve been struggling with weight gain since I began dealing with M.E.  You can’t exercise with this illness or you will make it much worse.  I’ve always tried to eat healthy, but when you are forced to be still so much, the pounds just start gradually creeping up.  My weight had leveled off and I had made my peace with it thinking there’s not much I could do.  But then it started to go up again, and I worried that it wouldn’t stop. I’ve talked about acceptance with consideration to our physical looks, but I also believe you have to do your best for your health.  And I didn’t think it was healthy for my weight gain to go unchecked.  So this time, I decided to focus on my weight loss as a critical need for my physical health.  I’ve read that inflammation can make any chronic illness worse, so I decided to shoot for an anti-inflammatory diet.  When I researched it, I came across a short video clip by Dr. Andrew Weil talking about which foods are the most anti-inflammatory.  In it, he said one short sentence that stuck with me.  “If you want to lose weight, cut out flour and sugar”.  So simple and straightforward.  I knew I could do that.  And guess what?  It worked.  I’ve watched my calories before, but with the sugar and flour, even watching calories wasn’t cutting it for me.  As soon as I took those out, I started to lose weight and feel a little better overall.  Seeing progress always strengthens my resolve, but with the holidays looming, I started thinking about all of the foods that come with them.  Pies at Thanksgiving and cookies at Christmas; I worried that I couldn’t stick with my plan.  Then I saw that verse, and it spoke to me.  It was like God Himself reaching out and saying, “You can do this.”  I will reap the harvest of my efforts if I don’t let myself grow weary and give up.  I am weary in so many ways these days, but I can be strong in this with God’s help.  Yes.  Thank you, Jesus.  

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