Monday, October 24, 2022

The Redbud Tree

Sunday, October 23, 2022.  My world is pretty small these days.  It mostly consists of what I see out of my windows.  We have a small sitting area that we call our “tea room” with two big windows that look out on the courtyard, and from there I watch the world.  The star of the courtyard is a Redbud tree.  When we were moving in, my first thought was to take the tree down because it seemed just slightly too big for the courtyard.  My sister and I were talking about it as we sat at the kitchen table while my husband and nephew were still bringing in some boxes.  Keep it?  Cut it down?  Then we saw the most interesting bird in the tree.  I had never seen that type of bird before even though it’s pretty common in this area.  I found out later it was an Eastern Towhee - black, orange, and white.  He was so close!  Just a few feet away because the tree is right by the window.   We had such fun watching him that I decided right then that the tree would stay.  Definitely the right decision, and I think it was God’s way of preparing for my current situation.  I’ve seen so many different kinds of birds in that tree.  I’ve watched squirrels scamper all over it.  I watch the seasons change in its leaves and flowers.  Just yesterday morning I was thinking of how we can always know what time of year it is just by looking at that tree.  That afternoon, Jeff said exactly the same thing as we sat together watching the late afternoon sunlight filter through its golden autumn leaves.  Once all the leaves fall and the branches are bare, Jeff hangs red and silver decorations on it for Christmas.  In spring, it puts on a glorious show with pink flowers and new leaves that emerge yellow; the pink and yellow together are just glorious.  Then the fullness of summer takes over with broad, deep green, heart-shaped leaves.  God knows our future.  He knew I would be spending the majority of my days sitting in this exact spot, and He gave me that Redbud tree so that I could still experience the beauty and wonder of His natural world.  Thank you, Jesus.  

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