Sunday, October 9, 2022

Annoying Little Things

Thursday, October 6, 2022.  Even though I spend pretty much every day of my life at home, I still have a lot to deal with at times.  I still have my crochet design business which mostly runs itself, but things come up from time to time that need to be dealt with.  Yesterday, I received a one star rating from a customer on Etsy who said she couldn’t rate my pattern because she wasn’t able to download it.  Etsy has a Star Seller program in which you get a badge on your site for good customer service, etc.  It’s mostly based on ratings from customers, and since my business is pretty small, each rating weighs heavily.  That one star rating would have ruined my Star Seller status.  So I contacted Etsy and found out that I could report the review.  It wasn’t as easy as it sounds.  It was a long time waiting to chat, and then back and forth with the representative… you know how it is.  I finally got the information I needed, reported the review, and hoped something would be done before it affected my rating for the month.  Imagine my surprise when I got an email within a few hours informing me the review had been removed!  Yay! 

I also had to get a Covid test yesterday in preparation for my biopsy tomorrow.  Not a huge deal even though they stick a Qtip so far up your nose it feels like it’s going into your brain! But unfortunately for me, they sent me to the wrong location.  When I got to the building (which was about twenty minutes from home) they said they didn’t do Covid tests there.  Someone in the office overheard and gave me directions on where to go.  It was super noisy and I had a hard time hearing her, but I thought I had it.  I drove about a half mile away to where I thought she told me to go but all I saw was a Walgreen’s.  I figured it was worth a shot so I went in and asked just to be told that no, they didn’t do Covid tests there.  Really?  This would have annoyed me at any time in my life, but these days I have very limited energy.  So rather than run around looking for the mystery Covid testing center, I decided to go to the urgent care center about 7 minutes from my house.  I got there and was registered, tested, and back in my car in less than five minutes.  

So where did I find God in these little annoying things?  I didn’t actually.  I found Him in the quick resolutions afterwards.  God works all things for the good, even the pesky little problems in my everyday life.  

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