Sunday, June 24, 2012

Stargazer Lily

Marlayna gave me a stargazer lily for Mother's Day last year.  When the flowers died, we decided to plant it to see what would happen.  Now if you're good with plants, you'd probably know what to expect.  But as I've mentioned before, it takes a hardy plant to live under my care.  The plant survived the winter and even got buds on it in the spring.  But I was watching lilies blooming everywhere and mine seemed to be at a standstill.  Guess what?  They bloomed today!!!  Woohoo!!  I had even stopped checking on them, but today as I was walking by the window a flash of color caught my eye.  I can't tell you how happy it made me.  I yelled to Jeff, "The lilies bloomed!", and ran outside to get a picture. God's little wonders have such a big effect on us.  And yes, that is where I found Him today.  (If you look closely, you can see a little damselfly on the lower right petal in the bottom picture.  He's in the top one too but harder to see.)

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