Wednesday, January 16, 2013


Does anything smell as good as bacon frying?  I actually "fry" mine in the oven to avoid all the mess, but it still makes the whole house smell like bacon.  I cooked some today for a recipe I'm making tomorrow, and when I walked outside for a minute and came back in it was like bacon just smacked me in the face.  It's supposed to be for tomorrow, but I just had to eat a piece.  The funny this is though, for me, as good as it tastes, it actually smells better.  I feel the same way about coffee; like the drink, love the smell.  And it seems like you can smell bacon a mile away.  So many times when I'm walking in the neighborhood, I'll smell bacon cooking somewhere.  It's like a siren "scent" drifting through the air calling anyone with a nose to come and eat it.  It's been a while since I've had any though, so this afternoon, I enjoyed eating it as much as smelling it.  Crispy, salty, yummy!  Today, I found God in the tantalizing smell of bacon frying.

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