Thursday, January 3, 2013

Green Light From God

We said goodbye to Jeff's cat Calvin today.  He had been sick for quite a while, but took a sudden turn for the worse in the past couple of days.  Needless to say, it was very difficult; sad and emotional.  Even though we knew it was coming, the end was hard.  So as I drove to the vet, I was wondering where I would find God in this day.  We strongly suspected but didn't know for sure till we got there if this would be the end.  I was going over this in my mind as I drove, wondering if we were making the right decision to put him down.  I had just finished a prayer and was approaching a stoplight that in my memory has always been straightforward red or green.  I had to make a right turn and when I looked up, there was a green arrow pointing to the right.  Obviously, that green arrow has always been there, but I can honestly say I've never seen it before, and the timing...  I believe it was God giving me the go-ahead.  Saying, "Yes, you're making the right decision; it's going to be okay.  Calvin is in My hands now."  It may seem like a strange sign, but it was very comforting to me.  There were still many tears shed as we said goodbye, and I know there are many more to come, but there's also a peace.  A peace that I found in a green light from God, and that is where I found Him today.

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