Friday, January 11, 2013

Old Songs

I keep some cd's in my car that are random mixes of songs that I like.  They have vague names like "Summer '08 mix" so I can never remember what's on them.  I was driving around doing some chores today so I picked one out and popped it in.  The first song was an old one by The Bee Gees (pre-Saturday Night Fever Bee Gees!), then the Eagles, Fleetwood Mac... music from my high school days.  I had the window down because it was in the low 60's today, and with that old music playing and the breeze blowing in, I had flashes of my younger, more carefree days.  It felt really good to remember those times.  I'm not one to glorify my youth, and I truly wouldn't change where I am in my life for any other time, but I do miss the lack of responsibility!  That part was pretty awesome, and I didn't even realize it at the time.  What's that old saying?  "Youth is wasted on the young."  So true.  Those old songs stirred up that carefree feeling, and it was fun to enjoy the memories for a little while.  Especially from the vantage point of being older without all the angst of youth!  Today, I found God in the first notes of an old BeeGees song.

(Okay, so I was only five when they did this song, but I still listened to it in high school!)

"To Love Somebody" by The Bee Gees

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