Wednesday, February 22, 2012

The Camellia

My energy level was especially low today.  I didn't feel up to doing my full walk so I decided just to step outside for a few minutes.  We have a camellia that grows right by our front porch, and like many of them it's blooming right now.  But for some reason, most of the flowers are in the back so you can't see them too well.  Well today, the sun managed to work it's way through the whole bush and shine on this one flower in such a way that it seemed to glow.  There it was, stuck all the way in the back behind all of those leaves, and the sun still managed to find it and illuminate it.  I grabbed my camera and took the picture you see below.  It made me think how God finds each of us, and shines His light on us no matter where we are or how we happen to be feeling that particular day.  I found God in this camellia blossom that was shining amidst the darkness around it.

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