Saturday, April 7, 2012

The Power of Touch

We had a Healing Team meeting today.  After we did a few readings, Father Ted asked us to say The Lord's Prayer together.  I closed my eyes, bowed my head, and clasped my hands in my lap.  We were just a few words into it when Beth S., who was on my left, reached over and took my hand.  It lit me up. It's amazing what the power of touch can do.  It took me few seconds to come back to myself, and then I reached out for Joe B.'s hand who was on my right.  I don't who in the room reached out first.  It may or may not have been Beth, but she is the one who reached out for me.  And I'm so thankful that she did.  It was in her touch that I found God today.


  1. Touch is so important and powerful. It reminds me of the All Saints' Youth meetings. We end with everyone in a circle and joining hands, or sometimes arms or elbow, these are teens and pre-teens, and we say what we need prayers for thanksgiving or healing or whatever is in their hearts and then we end with the Our Father. A very powerful prayer too. When I was reading your blog, I could just picture the scene and imagine the powerful touch and it brought me back to the All Saints' Youth and made me smile. Thank you for that!!

  2. i agree! I often feel like while words are representations of our feelings...a touch is the transfer of the feeling itself.
