Monday, April 2, 2012

The Mailbox

I had to pay bills today. Ugh..  Jeff and I are not big spenders, so even in these tough economic times we haven't had to struggle too much - until recently.  We got slammed with several big unexpected expenses almost all at once.  I'm sure you know the feeling.  I had been waiting for our tax refund to provide some relief, but it seemed to be forever in coming.  So paying bills today was not a fun experience.  I finally got through it wondering the whole time how much longer things would be this tight.  After I put everything away, I went to the mailbox and found a huge pile of mail - catalogs, junk, and... YES!  The tax refund!  It made me so happy!  I just felt the stress melt away.  I know they say money can't buy happiness - and I believe that - but it sure can buy some relief in tough times.  And with God's perfect timing that relief came on bill-paying day.   I said a joyous prayer of thanks to Him, so I guess you could say I found God in the mailbox today.

1 comment:

  1. Money can't buy happiness, but it's absence can sure bring misery!
