Thursday, May 24, 2012


We picked up Marlayna's new car today.  The salesman told her it would take about an hour to finalize everything... it took over three.  As anyone knows who's bought a car, you have a billion papers to sign.  Then you have to see the finance guy and sign a billion more.  But you have to wait your turn to see the finance guy 'cause they're busy taking other people's money so they make you wait for the privilege to give him yours.  And you can't just sign your finance papers and go.  Oh, no.  Nowadays, you have to sit through a video and a long spiel about maintenance plans so they can try and eke out a little more of your hard-earned money.  Whew!  By the time we finished all that I was absolutely famished!!  The point of this long, drawn-out story isn't just to vent (though that did feel good), it's that I almost never eat fast food.  But I was so hungry when we left I would have eaten just about anything.  So I went through that icon of fast-food - McDonald's.  I've got to say those french fries rivaled the best gourmet meal I've ever had.  I went from frantic to relaxed in the time it took me to down a bag of fries.  And that's where I found God today - at the McDonald's drive-through.

1 comment:

  1. I loved this!! I know what you are talking about. Sometimes those fries just hit the spot. I don't usually eat fast food either but there may be a time or two an entire year that it just seems right!! You made me smile today. Thanks!!
