Friday, January 27, 2012


I was feeling listless and a little down over not being able to get outside for my walk due to the rain.  I always connect with God when I get outdoors.  So I decided to do yoga instead.  (I used to do yoga several times a week, but the past several months it's been sporadic.)  I got out my mat, lay flat on my back, took a deep breath, stretched my arms way overhead and...Wham!  There was God!  I didn't see that one coming.  What an amazing feeling!  I realized as I continued through the movements that when I walk, my connection to God is all around me - externally.  But with yoga, it's internal.  You focus totally on yourself and your breathing, and in doing so you become centered in God.  Try it.  Lie flat on your back, stretch your arms overhead and breathe God in.  In 1 Corinthians 3:16-17 it talks about your body being God's temple.  I found God today in that temple.

1 comment:

  1. Nice post Tia! With meditation the focus is also on God in us. There's something very comforting about having Him there, which for me is my biggest battleground of life's challenges.
