Sunday, January 22, 2012

The Tree

I found God at church today.  Not too surprising, huh?  I guess that's where you should find God, but at least for me, it hasn't always been that way.  However, this church is special.  Our pastor is special, the people are special, and I feel a warmth and peace just being there each Sunday.  So I expect I'll be writing about it often.  But back to today.  There's a big window over the altar with a beautiful tree right outside.  This tree has inspired me many times - I even wrote a poem about it.  But I'm usually looking at it from our usual seats.  Today, we were ushers so we were sitting in the back of the church.  I was listening to the sermon, and something caused me to look up at the window.  Maybe it was just the wind in the branches -  I don't know.  But the sculptural design of the stark branches against the gray sky today was just amazing, and I don't know if I saw or felt a flash of movement.  It was there and then gone so quickly, I could have imagined it.  But it struck me in a way that caused me to catch my breath.  I blew it off as we tend to do with things we can't readily explain.  And I don't think I've done a very good job of explaining it here.  But I had to try.  Because I can still feel that quickening, that rush when I think of that moment.  So this I believe - I found God in that tree outside the window.

1 comment:

  1. I love this post. I have often felt I was getting closer to God just by looking out that window at that tree.
